18 Ways How Maintaining Your Garden and Producing Organic Foods Can Help Save The Planet


Have you ever thought about how producing your own foods can actually reduce the carbon footprint we are leaving? Not. But, have you ever thought about how various luscious garden plants can spruce up the air? Not. Well, you’re not the only one, at least 25% of the population is not aware of how beneficial it is to have a garden and produce numerous flowers, plants, and foods.

Not only does having a garden help save planet earth and preserve natural resources, but by growing your food you minimize your environmental impact and you always deliver fresh, toxin-free products on your table for the whole family to consume. If you are still in doubt about whether to start gardening and producing delicious foods, here are some rather useful pieces of advice on how having and maintaining your garden can help you turn the world around.

1. Plants Purify the Air

There’s no denying that we are surrounded by loads of hazardous exhaust fumes coming from various factories, cars, and homes, which inevitably harm the air and the planet. By planting enough organic foods and beautiful flowers and planters you automatically increase the number of plants that purify the air and aid help the environment. If you were to plant an extra Peace Lilly, Spider plant, or Philodendron, you would surely upscale their mutual power to combat hazardous materials such as CO2. Using photosynthesis they convert the negative CO2 we exhale and deliver fresh oxygen.

2. Plants help absorb CO2

All plants are natural air-producing machines, so it’s obvious that we cannot live without them. As plants produce oxygen they also “inhale” or absorb a few pounds of CO2. Exposure to carbon dioxide can harm people in many ways, but most people suffer from headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness, and restlessness. This being said, a small succulent plant on your balcony can absorb around 2 pounds of CO2 in one year, a healthy-looking tree even double, and so on. If you were to have a small garden and plant a few all-year plants and planters, you would reduce your carbon footprint by 10%. This is just an overall estimation as many factors impact the contribution such as weather conditions, soil, etc. But even a small garden area is always better than none.

3. Plants Naturally Clean the Ground

Plants don’t only do magic through what is found above ground, but they also help save the planet from the grounds. Literally. Believe it or not, but plants can remove any chemicals and bacteria that come in contact with the ground, that is, their roots uptake much of what they come in contact with. The roots mostly uptake chemicals and heavy metals in the soil and groundwater. Even though this might not be ideal for the plant itself, but any indication of a poorly growing plant can signal there exists some problem below the surface for you to take care of. This is why it’s absolutely obligatory to properly water the plants with a durable and flexible garden hose that’s easy to use.

4. Plants reduce the usage of Plastic

Packaging materials such as plastic and cardboard are also perilous for the planet. As it takes years, if not ages, for plastic to decompose, it sticks and stays in the ground and/or water and harms the environment in the long run, plus the consequences to the general health are also vigorous. By having a garden and planting some of the common fruits and vegetables, you reduce the need to buy and later throw away packaging materials. In addition to that, you will reduce any form of waste that comes with food mass-production, all of which is utterly beneficial for the entire planet.

5. Gardening prevents Soils Erosion

Even though soil erosion is a rather slow and lasting process, it’s one that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to. Land degradation is one of the biggest environmental issues as it drives certain species to extinction, intensifies climate change, and undermines the well-being of humans and animals. Hence, if you do gardening, harvest your soil and regularly plant new plants, and water them, the roots of your plants will help bind your soils together. In this way, you make them less likely to get washed away after a heavy downpour and stop the slops from sliding downhill. The top layer of the soil might get affected by water movement, but still, you would get organic debris and leaf litter which would later dissolve to help add adequate nutrients into the soil.

6. Lush Plants reduce Cooling Costs

If you happen to plant luscious green trees and an abundance of well-maintained shrubs you would have enough natural shades not to turn on the air conditioner ever again. Well, more or less. It’s a common fact that the sun’s energy heats a home quickly, and that causes many people to automatically turn on air cooling devices and run them for a long time. That’s rather impactions for the environment. To help save the planet you should try to use fewer electronic devices, so if you were to have tall trees and shrubs planted around your house and help block the sun effectively, you will keep your living space cool and reduce the use of fossil fuels to make that happen.

7. Having a Garden reduces Food Miles

Most people are not that acquainted, but in order for a certain food to arrive on your table, it needs to run (travel) for several thousand miles and more. The impact on the environment is huge as for the “food” journey you need to count on the fuels that the boats, trains, and planes use, all of which are enormous pollutants. Instead of measuring how far food has traveled before it reached your table, think planting small pots of herbs for starters, and you would immediately make a huge difference. Growing your food will undoubtedly help the environment and reduce the carbon footprint along the way.

8. Organic Gardens reduce the use of Pesticides and Chemicals

Plants absorb pesticides through the soil, that its, roots and leaf surface, and they could also pick up some other threatening chemicals even through the air by wind. What’s more, pesticides easily reach waterways and pollute the water we drink and soil. Pesticides may be deleterious but most large-scale industries use them to produce bigger and faster crops and plants. With your organic garden, you could minimize, and ditch the use of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, or any other harmful and toxic chemical and get fresh and healthy produce. You should avoid using pesticides or any other garden chemicals and you will always bring a nutritious meal to the table.

9. With Gardening you draw more Insects and Birds

Not all insects are nasty and deterrent for the garden, on the contrary, most insects thrive on the lush green space and vice versa. Pollinators, for instance, need greener areas to provide their food source for us. Some plants like lavender, mahonia, sage, fennel, and aster are perfect for the hard-working bees. Other large-scale plants and trees like perennials and gunnera plants provide protection from predators and give them the beneficial spaces they need to complete their life cycle. Additionally, even birds are drawn to quieter and more protected areas and help you keep some unwanted insects far from your plant. Birds are a crucial part of the environment as they help spread vegetative seeds.

10. Plants help you shrink your Grocery Bill

Let’s face it, shopping for fresh and organic products can be pretty expensive. If you want to eat healthily and keep a watchful eye on your ecological footprint, then you should start gardening. It’s that simple. Basically, by growing plants instead of buying costly organic food, you, first of all, won’t’ have to put your money towards grandiose money-making industries that only pollute the soil and air, and secondly, you will always have healthy food on the table. When you buy and plant non-hybrid seed from the best producers, you can later dry them and reuse for the next growing season. In that way, you would save money additionally, plus you won’t ever have to spend extra money on commuting to the farmer’s market.

11. Gardening promotes and fosters Children’s Involvement

Kids mostly learn by applying the well-known total physical approach, which means that they have to see and do certain things in order to learn them. Hence, with gardening and growing your own healthy foods you encourage children to subconsciously learn how to protect the place where they live. They would also learn about the healthy values of organically produced fruits and vegetables, and above all, they will see how more delicious they taste. Let them water the plants, spread the mulch, seed, and later pick the finished product. Never underestimate children’s abilities to learn, especially as they are the ones who have to continue to legacy of maintaining an environmentally friendly and safe planet.

12. Gardening and producing your Food helps reduce Food waste

It would be an immensely high figure noting down how much food a common household throws away every single day. An estimating $500 worth of food each year, if not more. This only signalizes that it’s become much easier to toss away a moldy apple that you bought in the supermarket than a freshly grown carrot you patiently watched ripe over the course of weeks. That being said, if something is “yours” and made by your own two hands, you will be less likely to take it for granted and just toss it out, and more likely to eat it. In this way growing food helps you reduce overall food waste and makes you appreciate hard work and the effort you’ve put into it. By not wasting food, but re-purposing it, you don’t contaminate the earth that much. You re-use the food, make your garden healthier, and prevent food waste by composting recycling and mulching.

13. Plants and planters enhance Biodiversity

You never know who or what might turn up in your garden. But, unless you have one, you’ll never experience the joy of helping Mother nature shelter and foster her children. When you plant your crops and plants, you attract many other animals (besides insects) that need a valid and nutritious food and water source. Bats are, for instance, one such animal. As you increase biodiversity, you help save the planet by providing shelter for animals who are hiding from predators, having adequate water and food sources.

14. Gardening improves the Ecosystem

No matter where you decide to create your luscious little green heaven, whether you have a large backyard or limited terrace or patio area, the ecosystem will certainly thrive. With gardening, you improve the ecology of the entire neighborhood and add “light” to the urbanized area. By planting just a few herb plants or some trees you help balance the ecosystem and help mitigate global warming because of the CO2 the plants take. If you are limited with space, you can start with small plants that grow easily in your neighborhood or opt for vertical gardening. If you are even shorter with space, you can still grow your food by going for conditioner gardening. You would be stunned to see how many peppers can grow out of one little pot on the balcony. Avoid synthetic fertilizers and try to use homemade compost and the entire ecosystem would thrive.

15. Producing your Food triggers a Positive Mindset

If you think this is not so related to saving the planet, you thought wrong. When we incorporate a healthy mental state of mind, we get more alert and conscious about the world around us. Gardening, for that matter, represents a fantastic way to combat stress and anxiety, as you spend more time on fresh air, doing mild exercise, and enjoying your deliciously produced greens. You get that fabulous sense of accomplishment that improves your mood and makes you deal with everyday worries more calmly and attentively. Furthermore, you will be able to experience a unique sense of accomplishment by nurturing a plant from its early days to picking it, and later presenting and sharing it with your friends and neighbors. In this way, you show others the mindful way to protect the planet, and at the same time feel glorious about it.

16. Grow your own Food for better Health and Sustainability

When you know that your freshly grown garden hasn’t been sprayed with any pesticides or chemicals, and when you are aware the food you are about to eat is 100% eco-friendly, then you are on a great track to maximally improve your health. It doesn’t matter if you strive to lose a few pounds or simply implement healthier habits, with locally grown plants you will be more healthy, more thrifty, more time-conscious, and you’ll be able to connect with nature in a new way. Even if you merely have an empty windowsill, planting will help you stay fit and sustainable.

17. Gardening is a rewarding Hobby

Besides the obvious above-mentioned ecological reasons for having a garden, you could start gardening for the sole purpose of trying out a new hobby. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a ready-made product made by your own two hands. Plus, once you figure out you can easily grow your own food and enjoy fresh, healthy, and delicious produce anytime, the hobby might turn to be an ongoing activity and even a money-making deed. You could take some time and get some books about gardening to upscale your knowledge and you’ll have an eco-friendly hobby that’s perfect for the whole family.

18. With Gardening you inspire other People to follow your Eco-friendly path

Not everybody is keen to bend, squat, shovel, and rake. Gardening can be a tiring activity at times, and not all people are so willing to get their hands dirty after a long and tedious day. However, if they were to see how you meticulously maintain your garden, how you can delegate work with other family members, how easy it is to pick the finished products, and above all, how healthy and ecologically safe it’s to have your own organic produce, they’ll surely change their minds. Set an eco-friendly example and teach other people around you the importance of looking after our planet by showing the end-products of your luscious garden. Advise them to start slow, plant in pots, and later experience the joy of consuming all-healthy and eco-friendly foods.

By growing your own food and paying close attention to the eco-conscious ways of planting, you are contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet. It’s of utmost importance to help save the planet as unless we do so, we’d slowly but surely lose it. Gardening is a 100% lucrative and productive way of helping Mother Nature, and it’s utterly aesthetically appealing. Any sort of greenery you decide to plant will undoubtedly provide a positive impact on your environmental surroundings. So, don’t wait up and start now!